As an experienced Coach, Terri has learned to work in a range of modalities that serve her clients goals and budget needs in real-time. These modalities can be applied to most coaching programs. Schedule a call to speak with Terri and learn more about the coaching approach that will work best for you.
A more common coaching approach where we work together in real-time via our Zoom platform to discuss your coaching goals, progress on your program, and areas of additional support you may needs.
Offered through our unique platform, Asynchronous Coaching is a flexible approach to professional development and personal growth in which coaches and clients interact without using video or text, requiring real-time communication.
The process follows a bi-weekly cadence rhythm, in which clients write regularly (often daily or several times per week) and receive coach feedback. This creates a dynamic where immediate self-reflection is enhanced by professional guidance.
Build a relationship with yourself in which your self-worth is not reduced by mistakes, weaknesses, or failures
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Terri Altschul is an ICF PCC—a Certified Coach with more than 4,00 coaching sessions. She has trained and coached individuals and groups at all stages of their careers and lives in Fortune 100 and 500 companies, Start-ups, and Nonprofit organizations. One of her special gifts is helping you see your untapped potential and identify the blockers to that potential.