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A 6-Month Guided Online Program For Women on the Path of Awakening Their Inner Authority and Creation Power


It's not just a program. It's life changing to your core.
LIVE & On-Demand

She has fire in her soul,
and grace in her heart

A Sovereign Woman

The modern sovereign woman is on a life-long journey. She is ready to examine the layers of beliefs, fears, anger, trauma, and social rules built up to create a constrained box that controls her responses, actions, and decision-making. She recognizes that the seeds for powerlessness were planted before her birth through intergenerational trauma and reinforced through her culture, authority figures, and familial patterns.

As we untangle these conditioned behaviors, we can connect challenges with solutions, more fully experience our feminine consciousness, redirect the need for external approval towards an inner authority, have an inner marriage of opposites, feel connected to Life, and better integrate self-support.


Imagine If You Could...

RELEASE EXTERNAL EXPECTATIONS and anchor your life in your core values and character strengths.

DECONSTRUCT YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM and release the trapped energy of your most dreaded worry, the one that seems unrecoverable if it were to happen.

LIVE AN ALIGNED LIFE where your outer life is an expression of your inner life and values.

EXPRESS YOURSELF creatively and intuitively.

TRANSFORM SELF-JUDGEMENT and replace automated negative thoughts with empowering thoughts.

ESTABLISH YOUR INNER AUTHORITY and be your own best resource for decision-making and inner wisdom.

HEAL SHAME AND INTEGRATE the hidden parts of yourself through loving-kindness, self-compassion, and creative practices.

CREATE A TOOLKIT that will support your transformational journey throughout your life.

FEEL GUIDED AND SUPPORTED every step of the journey.

Ask yourself, "If this happened, who would I be?"

There exists a field beyond notions of right and wrong. I will meet you there.


Here's What's Included in the Program

Throughout this group coaching experience, we participate in many activities, including coaching conversations, connection, online materials, inspiring and creative activities, and working with the most powerful coach of all, your inner coach – your higher self.


Meet Terri Altschul

ICF PCC, Integral Coach, Visual Journaler, Facilitator, and Experience Designer

I've taken everything I've learned over the past twenty years about human development and transformational learning.

  • Designing learning experiences
  • Leading women’s circles and groups
  • Holding shared experiences 
  • Coaching clients and facilitating online workshops
  • Shadow work 
  • Visual journaling practice

Each month, you’ll go on a journey that will take you into the deeper realms of who you are, where you can choose what being sovereign means for you.

Number of People Terri has Trained and Coached
2000 +
our map for the journey

The Heroine's Wheel of Change

Results Driven Quests

Our coaching approach gently bypasses the rational mind of the stories we live in and goes to the deeper roots of our motivation, where transformation becomes possible. The Heroine’s Wheel of Change tm is our map for the journey. In each Quest, we take a complete journey around the Wheel.

Phase One – Realizing by gaining awareness of how we live our lives and the changes we desire, we begin to look at how we created our outer lives – our persona. We acknowledge our societies’ influence and discover what is inside us that wants to be expressed.

Phase Two – Releasing as we cross into the inner world of our deeper thoughts and emotions, we identify our creative adaptations and begin the process of releasing them.

Phase Three – Rising we actualize our learnings into the outer world through experiments with change, new practices, and a renewed orientation to our purpose.


Becoming Sovereign (Intro Module)

Habits and Blindspots

Emotional Sincerity : Emotional Wholeness

Self-Sabotage and The Triple Threat

Healing Otherness

The Archetypal Story You're Living

Fight-Flight and Core Communication

Befriending Your Inner Family of Critics and Guardians

Integrating Polarities: Intuition and Senses

Self as an Instrument of Change

Embodying the Sovereign Woman

Our Themes

Module 1

Belonging and Connection

Developing Your Inner Resources

Your Personal Manifesto

Embodying Your Best Self

Mindfulness and Reflective Practice

Module 2

A Map of Your Inner System of Self-Protection

The Archetypal Story You're Living

Befriending Your Inner Family of Critics and Guardians

Blindspots and Triggers

Decondition Adaptive Behaviors and Habits

Module 3

Design and Implement Change Experiments

Embodied Self Belief

Core Communication

Self as an Instrument of Change

The Art of Self-Compassion

Cultivating Aliveness to Thrive in Stressful Times

Tools and Resources

Support For Your Journey

We are creating a 24×7, anywhere, anytime experience where you can work at your own pace and connect with program participants.

You will have access to a curated library to support your exploration and self-care throughout the program. Terri will also introduce you to her approach to Visual Journaling to help your self-reflection practice.

Terri also hosts monthly Office Hours where you can drop by to connect, chat, ask questions, and receive program guidance.

be part of a Private cohort

Our Members Are the Heartbeat of the Community

Our membership is collaborative, inclusive, holistic, and contribution-driven. Our members understand that each woman is on her journey to realize her full potential and express her gifts and talents in society. The way she does this looks different for each woman. 

We support you in finding what works best for you. We don’t give advice or coach without permission. Instead, we generously share our experiences and observations so you can benefit from the insight of others while digging deeper into your expression.

Monthly calls

Live Calls with Terri

Each month you will participate in two 45-minute coaching calls and one live 90-minute group coaching call with Terri.  Terri also offers Monthly Office Hours where you can ask questions and receive support. While we hope you will attend the live sessions as much as possible, a replay of all the calls is available in your portal.


Holistic and Affordable

In a world where women face challenges and other barriers in their personal and professional lives, our Platform is a safe place to be open, expand your perspective, share your struggles, give and get advice, and celebrate each other’s wins.  

Our approach is integral and holistic.  As you build relationships, you will have a new network of women with your back!  It’s like having a coach in your back pocket!

exclusive content

Discussion Threads

Curated channels of resources that support navigating your professional/work life and support your personal growth towards inner authority.  These channels offer tools, articles, videos, audio files, and member chat.  Here are just some of the topics:

  • Prioritizing Self-Care
  • Advocating for Your Needs
  • Discover Your Talents
  • Mindful Productivity
  • Navigating Conflict
  • The Myth of the Nice Girl and more
Skill-building for YOUR JOURNEY

Resource Library

You will have access to our growing library of professional and personal development digital classes that are interactive, beautiful, and accessible on every device. These courses support your career growth with topics on Career Management, Change Management, Communication, Productivity, and more.

Share what you’re learning, ask questions, and get ideas for how to solve problems in the Community.

Client Love

Are You Ready?

Live From the Inside-Out

Experience the inner-outer alignment from living inside-out, aligned with your chosen values and belief systems.

Untangle Conditioned Behaviors

Connect challenges with solutions, redirect the need for external approval, and better integrate self-support (self-care).

Release Untapped Potential

Deepen self-mastery, inspire others, elevate your impact, and recognize when your blindspots and triggers are flaring.


This six-month program includes one monthly 45-minute private coaching sessions with Terri, monthly group coaching, monthly visual journaling classes, online content, and an intimate cohort of like-minded women.  

Monthly program costs: $280/month

Change can be hard, let's do this together!

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Share it with them!


Change Can Be Hard, Let's Do This Together

Questions You Might Have

The program will take 5-7 hours per month including group calls, private coaching calls, and actualization activities.

Group calls are scheduled on Sunday evenings at 8 pm est. Replays will be available if you are unable to attend live. Private coaching is conducted during the work week and is individually schedled based on calendars and availability.

Only you know your circumstances. To make this as affordable as possible, we have created different tiers.  You can opt in for the level that best meets your needs and upgrade/downgrade or cancel at anytime.

Share from your experience only. You have a lifetime of lessons that you’ve learned. Sharing your expertise and perspective offers tremendous learning potential for the community. Here we hope to expand our experiences by understanding ourselves and one another. Your stories and experiences may be just what another member needs to hear today to be inspired, solve a problem, or seize an opportunity.

Be respectful. We’re here to pull each other forward and lift each other. Find ways to help each other think bigger, reframe challenges, and stay curious. Withhold advice-giving. Be the woman who helps straighten another woman’s crown.

Keep your posts topical. Only post things relevant to the discussion thread in which you are participating and the overall intentions for the community.

Share your ideas and suggestions. Do you have a request or question? Share these suggestions with Terri.

Please don’t spam, promote, or troll. The Sovereign Woman network is a learning community. It is not a place to spam, promote your services, or bully anyone else – and it will not be tolerated. I am a business owner, coach, and learning architect. I ask that you understand that the content of this site is NOT to be taught or copied and taught to others. I trust that you can honor this request. If not, this may not be the community for you. I ask that you come with integrity in every possible way. 

No hate speech, personal attacks, bullying. Please make sure everyone feels safe in this space. Degrading or negative comments about race, religion, culture, politics, sexual orientation, gender, or identity will not be tolerated.

Products offered at Terri Altschul Coaching, including this program, are not therapy and is not intended as a replacement for therapy. Please be self-aware about how and when you feel drawn to share. If you don’t have the support of a therapist but find that you need one, BetterHelp.com is a great resource and is accessible from just about anywhere!

The Sovereign Woman network is intended for personal use only. We keep this space reserved solely for women who are looking to take this journey. If you are a professional (coach, leader, therapist, educator, etc.) looking to gain tools and direction doing this work, please schedule free consultation with me to discuss mentor coaching.

If you are unhappy with this program for any reason, you may cancel with the first 30 days. Because you get access to a lot of the value once the program begins, we do not offer refunds.