Take Control of Your Career

Career Development



Lasting Career Satisfaction Through Talent-Based
Career Planning

Why a Talent-Based Career Approach?

Talent-based career development holds immense value in comparison to a singular focus on position and monetary gains. When individuals prioritize their talents and passions, they often find themselves in roles that truly resonate with their interests and strengths. This alignment between one’s skills and their career not only leads to greater job satisfaction but also enhances productivity and innovation. When people are genuinely passionate about their work, they tend to invest more time and effort into honing their skills, which ultimately benefits both them and their employers. Moreover, talent-driven careers promote personal growth and self-discovery, fostering a sense of fulfillment that transcends mere financial rewards.

In contrast, fixating solely on positions and money can lead to a lack of purpose and fulfillment in one’s professional life. Climbing the corporate ladder or pursuing high-paying roles without considering personal talents and passions may result in burnout and dissatisfaction. Furthermore, such an approach can lead to a shallow and transient sense of success, as it often fails to address the intrinsic motivations and desires that make individuals truly thrive. 

Ultimately, talent-based career development empowers individuals to pursue meaningful and fulfilling paths, contributing not only to their personal well-being but also to their long-term success and impact on the world.

Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love.

Upcoming Themes

The Habits That Hold You Back

  January 20, 2024
  60 minutes

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you are in the right place.


Imagine If You Could...

LOOK BACK ON YOUR LIFE and know that you had lived to your potential.


LEARN THE POWER IN YOUR CHARACTER to energize your talents.

ALIGN THE TALENTS AND STRENGTHS that make you uniquely You to create a career that is fulfilling and energizing.

DISCOVER THE ROLE OF PERSONALITY in the expression of your unique talents and strengths.

CREATE A CAREER YOU LOVE through job crafting where your talents, character strengths, and personality are leveraged.

CREATE A TOOLKIT that will support you through the changes of your life.

FEEL GUIDED AND SUPPORTED every step of the journey.

This is a YOU discussion like you've never had before!

Our All-New Coaching Conversations Platform

In this new format, you’ll enjoy an immersive online experience where you’ll learn, share, practice, and grow in small groups that are informed by bite-sized monthly training content (videos, readings, and exercises) and meeting virtually on live coaching calls with Terri.

This blend provides the flexibility to engage with the training content on your own time, via any connected device anywhere in the world 24/7, integrate the information, then come together in an interactive group and Terri to deepen into the ideas, discuss, practice and build skills, create supportive friendships, and cultivate competence and confidence from regular input from a skilled professional in the field of talent development.

  • 6, Weekly Video Micro-Lessons with Exercises and Skill-Building Activities
  • 6,Weekly Q&A Calls with Terri Altschul
  • Private Community Space to Learn and Share With Others in the Program
  • Recordings and Transcripts
  • Mobile App



Learn with an Organizational Learning & Leadership Development Professional

LEADERSHIP & integral Coach, experience designer, and Group Facilitator

Meet Terri Altschul, PCC

Terri has worked in organizational learning, leadership, and development for over 25 years on Wall Street and in the Pharma industries, guiding leaders from high potential to the C-Suite to be more impactful leaders and more effective communicators.

She now works as an Executive and Leadership coach across multiple industries and has had over 3,500 coach sessions in the past ten years. She divides her time between her Executive Coaching Practice and advocating for the needs of Family Caregivers.

Terri’s forte is navigating change and transition, creating paths to individuation, women’s leadership development, and living life holistically. She is known for her deep listening, ability to synthesize complex data, and organizational and business acumen.

Number of People Terri has Trained and Coached
2000 +

How the Program Works

Talent-Based Career Development is a six-week hybrid program on our new all-in-one social learning platform. The program includes online content and live Q&A with Terri.  In a private cohort space, you can network, engage, and learn with other program participants.

Everything is recorded and downloadable, so you can watch on your schedule and return to the material for deeper learning.

Here’s how it works…

Beginning in November, you’ll participate in 6 Weekly Video Lessons, followed by Live  Q+A’s with Terri. The Live calls are held on Thursdays from 3:00-4:30 pm EST. where we discuss questions, insights, and actionable ideas based on the the week’s material. Live call recordings will be available within 48 hours of the live sessions.


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The program is interactive and engaging. You won’t be sitting listening to long lectures. Instead, you’ll be doing. Each Module includes a new topic with exercises, interactive worksheets, online discussion prompts, and a Live 90-minute Q&A Call with Terri. 

The program is both synchronous and asynchronous, so you can work at a time that best fits your schedule. The Modules build on and integrate the previous material. You’ll learn reliable methods to create a sustainable career.


Your Coaching Journey

1) We establish the relationship by building rapport and setting the foundation for working together, setting goals, or taking a 360 assessment, depending on your program.

2) During coaching sessions we do a check-in and follow-up on goals. We meet every 2-3 weeks for 6-12 virtual coaching sessions. At the end of the session field work is identified.

3) Between sessions you are experimenting with new approaches, taking notes and keeping a record of your progress, and communicating via email with Terri for additional support.

4) As we close your program, we will review your progress against your original goals. We will celebrate accomplishments and discuss how to maintain your results.


An All-in-One Virtual Experience

Our personalized coaching portal allows you to schedule and track your sessions, record goals, take notes, and access personalized resources Terri has assigned.  Coaching sessions occur via Zoom on any device you prefer.

What Your Program Includes

A Specialized Private Coaching Program 

The Monthly Modules


Live Group Coaching Call May11th, 3-4:30 pm est

We go on a treasure hunt searching for your talent, looking in many places: your past experience, imagination, and heart. Naming your talents is the first step in creating a talents-based career with longevity.

♦  Myths and why talent is your lifelong career GPS

♦  Leverage your between talent, skills, and competencies

♦  The four archetypal patterns that inform most talents


Live Group Coaching Call May 25th, 3-4:30 pm est

Character strengths are the positive parts of your personality that make you feel authentic and engaged. Character is the energy behind your talents and skills that provides fuel, boosts confidence, builds meaning and purpose, and improves work performance. 

♦ Take a Self-Assessment and explore the character strengths that are currently supporting your career and the strengths that need to develop for future growth

♦ Find more engagement in your work by aligning your talents to your most essential charater strengths

♦ Shift your mindset to see how stressful situations and disrutions are opportunities to stimulate learning and lead to greater talent development.


Live Group Coaching Call June 8th, 3-4:30 pm est

Once your talents are found and named, they must be accepted as a part of yourself that you value and embrace. However, there can be blocks along the way to acceptance of our talents. Develop self-awareness about your own resistance to change.

♦  Identify competing commitments and hidden assumptions that keep you from being fully expressed

♦  Name your inner and outer supporters

♦  Name your inner and outer critics


Live Group Coaching Call June 22th, 3-4:30 pm est

You may find yourself at different stages of developing your talents – some may still be raw.  Here we look to go beyond the traditional technical training and skill-building and delve into the critical requirements for bringing your talent and character strengths to life. 

♦  5 Ingredients necessary to development

♦  Vertical and Horizontal Learning

♦  Exploring the edges of the underused and overused traits

♦  The Cycle of Learn, Unlearn, Relearn


Live Group Coaching Call July 13th, 3-4:30 pm est

Talent needs an opportunity to grow and mature.  To do this, we draw upon personality theory to understand our innate strengths and the work of Naomi Quenk, “In the Grip, the Hidden Personality” to identify and unlearn the conditioning and self-protection habits that limit our growth and connection with others.

♦  How personality can enhance and block your “Sweet Spot”

♦  Stress and being in the Grip of the Inferior Function

♦  Learn your blindspots and triggers

♦  From Perfection to Experimentation


Live Group Coaching Call July 27th, 3-4:30 pm est

Career crafting is a methodology for personalizing traditional work design and shaping your role to effectively include your talents and interests.  You will explore three possible approaches for career crafting to create a plan for your talents at work that includes the role responsibilities, relationships, and cognition. 

♦  Aligning talents and character strennths with values and passions

♦  Planning for the activities involved in your job

♦  Planning for interactions with other people

♦  Changing the way you think about your career as a whole 


Live Group Coaching Call July 27th, 3-4:30 pm est

Learn the practice of marketing yourself and your career as a brand, emphasizing unique characteristics, skills, and talents that set an individual apart from others. Develop a consistent image and voice that reflects your values, goals, and expertise, often leveraging social media, networking, and other platforms to increase visibility and credibility in your field, creating opportunities for career growth, influence, and professional success.

♦  Writing your “Brand Called You” Manifesto

♦  Increasing your self-confidence

♦  Building trust in person and online

♦  Create a personal branding and networking plan

an all-in-one coaching experience

On Our New Coaching Conversations App

Do everything within one platform:  access your program materials, RSVP for Zoom calls, schedule your private coaching, and most importantly, engage with members of your cohorts. 

a social learning experience

Our Members Are the Heartbeat of the Community

Our community is collaborative, inclusive, holistic, and contribution-driven. We understand that each woman is on her journey to realize her full potential and express her gifts and talents in her unique way. The way she does this looks different for each woman. 

We support you in finding what works best for you. We don’t give advice or coach without permission. Instead, we generously share our experiences and observations so you can benefit from the insight of others while digging deeper into your expression.

Client Love


Coaching is commonly defined as a process to help improve a person's performance. It is a self-directed process that helps a person change in the way they wish to change. Coaching builds awareness, empowers choice, and leads to change.  The International Coach Federation defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

You can begin by scheduling a 30-minute Introductory Call with Terri. Here you can discuss your goals and ask questions.  From there, Terri will send you the paperwork to sign up and access the coaching app.

A six month program is a comittment to yourself to work towards your goals.  Coaching is billed every month until the package you signed up for is paid off - it is not an indefinite recurring subscription.

Down the line, if you think coaching isn't working out for you, you should talk to Terri about your expectations and how they can best be met.  

Coaching sessions can be rescheduled or cancelled with 24 hours notice. A session is considered missed with no refunds if you fail to reschedule or cancel outside the 24 hour period before your next session’s start time or you are more than 15 minutes late. If coaching isn't working out for you, we will refund 100% of sessions that you had paid for but not used. Your refund will be credited back to your original form of payment. Refunds take 5 - 7 business days to be processed. Past sessions or missed sessions are nonrefundable.

No. According to the American Psychiatric Association, psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is a way to help people with a broad variety of mental illnesses and emotional difficulties. Traditional mental health is focused on illnesses, whereas coaching focuses on self-understanding, processing, and moving forward to build the life you want.

Products offered at Terri Altschul Coaching are coaching programs that follow the International Coach Federation (ICF) ethical guidelines. These programs do touch on personal growth and can, at times, be stirring.  Please be self-aware about how and when you feel drawn to participate. If you don’t have the support of a therapist but find that you need one, BetterHelp.com is a great resource and is accessible from just about anywhere!

This program is for personal use only. It is solely for individuals who are looking for support in their journey to discover and leverage their talents in their lives.  If you are a professional (coach, leader, therapist, educator, etc.) looking to gain tools and direction doing this work, please schedule free consultation with me.

Yes, there is a discount for groups of 5 or more. Email terri@terri.coach to learn more.

Change Can Be Hard, Let's Do This Together

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